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Your First Visit


Comprehensive Health Review

In your first 90-minute session, we’ll dive deep into your health:

  • Review your medical history, symptoms, diet history, and lifestyle factors like sleep and exercise.

  • Discussion of current medications and supplements to ensure everything aligns with your goals.

  • Optional free body composition scan and measurements.


Personalized Nutrition Plan

Together, we’ll develop a sustainable nutrition plan based on your unique needs:

  • Strategies for healthier habits that support long-term wellness.

  • A step-by-step guide for reaching your goals, whether it's weight loss, performance, or improved health.

  • We tailor everything to fit your lifestyle, ensuring it's practical and effective.


Getting Started

Before your visit, complete these simple steps:

  • Upon booking an invitation link is sent to our patient portal. Please fill out all onboarding forms.

  • Verify your insurance for coverage of nutritional counseling (if applicable)

  • After your session, follow-ups are scheduled based on your goals, with flexible options for continued support.

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